
Google Ads (AdWords)

New Accounts, Optimization and Audits

It’s no secret that Google is a behemoth in the world of online search.   It is estimated that the search giant processes over 3.5 billion queries each day.

In addition, the Google Display Network distributes banner ads on over 2 million websites reaching over 90% of all Internet users.

As an advertiser, you can tap into both networks to reach enormous, yet highly defined audiences that are likely to purchase your products or service.

New Accounts

Are you setting up an account for the first time?

Creating a proper foundation is critical for profitable advertising on Google Ads.  

From establishing proper bids and bidding types to the structure of your campaigns, ad groups, and keywords – creating a solid base is critical to your long-term success.


There is no such thing as “set it and forget it” in the world of Google Ads.  Search terms, keywords and the market in general are in constant flux.  

From small accounts to large, proper optimization is the difference between advertising that drives business growth vs tremendous waste.


Google Ads is a powerful marketing platform that targets potential customers with high purchase intent.  But like a high-performance engine, a lot can go wrong if you’re not careful.

One misconfigured setting can result in thousands of dollars in waste in a single day.  Even smaller mistakes can slowly drain a company credit card without providing the return you need to grow your business.

Why Hire Me?

Dedication.  I am not part of a large agency.  You will have my diligence and attention on your account the entire time.

Education.  This has nothing to do with my marketing degree.  Change within Google Ads is rapid and continuous.  I always stay on top of the latest offerings and performance tactics to drive results.

Experience.  I have been optimizing Google advertising across many different types of industries and company types for 17 years.

Success.  I have a proven track record of performance and growth, most recently navigating a multi-million PPC budget to record revenue.

Diversification.  I’m not just a Google Ads marketer, I spent many years as an entrepreneur.  I understand the importance of setting high-level business goals which inform and drive the performance of digital advertising campaigns.

Technical Knowledge.  As a former developer, I understand technology.  I have launched many websites across a myriad of platforms.   If you have a technical challenge related to advertising, it’s very likely that I can solve it.

My Specialties

  • Extensive Keyword Research
  • Writing Persuasive Ad Copy
  • Developing Landing Pages that Convert
  • Optimizing the Search Experience to Increase Quality Score
  • Geographic Targeting
  • Mobile Ads
  • Ongoing Optimization of Your Entire Account
  • Google Ads Audits

Client Success Stories

More proof than promises, and I'm just getting started!

After working with David for a few weeks, I can say with complete confidence that I’m glad I made this choice.  He is organized, knowledgeable, and very responsive.  I had been struggling for a while now with higher click and lead costs, while revenue was slipping.  David took the time to do a full audit of my AdWords account and was able to immediately find areas of improvement.  Within a week, the numbers were finally moving in the right direction.  This was a great learning experience for me as well, as David took me through all of the changes in detail.  In hindsight,  I just wish I would have done this sooner!   Highly recommended.

David Suazo

UpWork Client

Eliminate Wasteful Spend and Start Driving Quality Leads, Sales, and Growth.

Ready To Grow Your Business?

Hire me to drive results and save thousands in management fees.

  • Total Transparency.  There’s no “secret sauce” here, just smart marketing strategy and execution.

  • Personalized Attention.  I’m committed to your success and always just a phone call away.

  • Increase Revenue.  We work together to attract the right leads.

  • Decrease Cost per Click (CPC).  I implement efficient bidding for the right keywords.

  • The Right Clicks.  Compelling, persuasive ad copy that attracts the right customers for your business.

  • Improved Performance.  Lower CPCs and Better Positioning with Improved Quality Scores.

  • Laser Targeted Messaging.  I focus on your customers and unique market to find the keywords that truly drive results.

  • Conversion Rate Optimization.   High-performance marketing doesn’t end at the click.  I work with you to create landing pages that drive the greatest number of conversions and sales at the lowest cost.

Personalized Attention to Your Account

My personal attention means that your account is never outsourced to a 3rd party for the sake of maximizing agency profit.   I am committed to learning your business inside and out in order to attract quality leads and customers.

Depending on the size of your account, we will have weekly, biweekly, or monthly meetings to discuss progress and goals.

Performance Reporting with Insights

The value in reporting comes from insights, not data.  I take the time to analyze your numbers and make recommendations based on account performance and market fluctuations.

The focus depends on company goals, but here are a few of the most common metrics that are regularly monitored.

CPA - This is the Cost per acquisition or action, depending on the goals, but is often a lead or sale.   This figure is important to track and it’s a leading indicator of cost.  I use this to compare the expense of acquiring a customer to the revenue generated over time (often referred to as customer lifetime value).

CPC - Cost per click is what you are paying when someone clicks your ad.  There are many factors that drive this, including market fluctuations (basic supply and demand for certain keywords) and your Quality Score - a measure of relevancy and quality of overall search experience.  The higher your QS, the lower your CPC.

CTR - Your click-through rate is a great indicator of interest and engagement.  High CTRs show interest in your ad, but we always look at this with other metrics as the goal is to drive qualified leads, not random clicks that cost you money.

RoAS - Another key metric is your return on ad spend.  This is similar to ROI,  but focuses only on the cost of advertising compared to the revenue generated.  An RoAS of 700% means that for every $1 spent in advertising, you received $7 back in return.

$5.5 Million Managed in the Last Three Years

I’ve had the privilege of working with many different companies in recent years.      

Managing large, multi-million dollar budgets is a tremendous learning experience.  It often forces you outside of the PPC “comfort zone” to optimize campaigns at a very high level.   

Smaller budgets also present their own unique set of challenges, as you often need to do more with less.

I take great pride in helping companies of all sizes, and look forward to creating or optimizing your Google Ad campaigns to maximize results

Stop wasting money and start driving results.

Contact me today for a complimentary consultation.